He is 7 years old and has an unending affinity for balls and frisbees. When he finally decides to rest, he thinks he's a lap dog, which he definitely is not. Max is full of energy, thinks everyone is his friend and loves harder than any dog I've ever known. He was our recue dog. We saw him online and immediately went to get him. His original owner no longer wanted him and was going to open the door and not let him back in the house in the middle of winter. Unbelievable. When we got him, he was all bones and showered us in kisses and gratefulness. We hate to think about how bad he had it before us. But he's in a loving home now and he shows his appreciation to us daily!
BREEDS: Border Collie, Australian Shepherd, Lhasa Apso

Molly is 5 years old. She is our special needs girl. She was born deaf. She lives her life with so much courage and zest! She knows some sign language which we use to communicate with her, and she follows the lead of the rest of the pack. She has zero stranger danger, and she will jump right up on your lap and say hello. She thinks every person is her friend. She lives for naps and looking out the window. Here's a fun fact! Molly is the daughter of Max and Happy.
BREEDS: Border Collie, Australian Shepherd, Lhasa Apso, Maltese, Shih-Tzu

Happy is 8 years old. She is such a lap dog. Not with Melissa, but with Brian. Melissa wanted her because she wanted a little purse puppy/lap dog, and she prefers Brian over her any day. Go figure.
She was born to be a mother. She had 3 puppies with Max. I know. There's a huge size difference, we were out of town when they mated, and we are glad we missed it! Yikes. But she had 3 beautiful puppies. We kept Molly because she was deaf, and our neighbors took a puppy, and the neighbors 2 doors down took the other, so they all get to play together and see each other regularly. Happy lives for treats and chew sticks. Oh, and licking Brian's bald head!
BREEDS: Maltese, Shih-Tzu